
The village of “me’s”: How to tend to the self and cultivate authenticity

Lifestyle By May 18, 2023 16 Comments

The “Master Me” that I’m calling “I” reads the context and chooses a “me” to wear for that context. Think of a wardrobe, and you are selecting an outfit for an occasion or an event. It’s kind of like that. I look at the car, immediately check for the car keys, decide where to put the phone and determine if I have everything I need before I begin. I do the same for other familiar tasks too. I browse the “me” collection and pick the appropriate “me” for the context. At least, this is how it happens when the context is familiar, and I know which “me” to show up as.

Caring well

Lifestyle, Peace By Oct 21, 2022 1 Comment

Caring requires you to fore-give of yourself. What I mean by that is that you have to love unconditionally when you care. You also have to do what you believe is the most just thing to do in the situation when caring. It has to be truthful, honest and kind all at once. You have to sacrifice yourself (I don’t mean your things only) and put the other you care for before you, hence the “fore” giving. And then do (for them) what must be done without any expectations or judgements. I have noticed people who aspire to be good parents do this for their children.