

Understanding Personhood in a World Shaped by Diversity and AI

Lifestyle, Peace By Sep 10, 2024 No Comments

Persons are cultivated in families. Families give us the values that help us orient ourselves in a way that allows us to participate in life. This gives parents a huge responsibility. As a parent, you are essentially shaping the initial perspective of the persons you parent. In essence, you cultivate the first version of this person. For this reason, it’s important to account for this attribute when interacting with someone.

Awakening the Artist Within for a Fuller Life

Lifestyle, Peace By May 14, 2024 No Comments

Have you ever felt trapped in your own life, unable to live on your own terms, yet having to follow guidelines prescribed to you? As we mature, we reach a place where we recognise that we have a particular nature of expression unique to ourselves. It’s like a resonance with the spirit of who we are, emerging from a sense of failure to fit anywhere. No matter what experiences we accumulate or skills we learn, we inevitably find that we have our own way of doing things—our signature style that marks everything we touch.

The Transformative Power of Mentorship in Achieving Excellence

Lifestyle By Apr 09, 2024 No Comments

When cultivating excellence and refining our crafts, a good example always comes in in handy. It serves as an ideal we can aim for so that we can side-step mediocrity as we navigate the journey of our careers. In a recent conversation with Bashir, we explored his mentorship work and the value of setting a good example in a given domain of work.

Struggle as a Gateway to Purpose

Lifestyle By Apr 02, 2024 No Comments

It all starts out with an “allowance” of our selves. We have to allow our selves to be. What this means is that we have to acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses because they define the limits we have to surpass and the tools we can use to do so. In a sense, this can be our current brand, who we currently are. It’s important to know this because then the difference between who we currently are and who we intend to become starts to show. For example, currently, I’m a person who loves writing down my thoughts in blog posts, and I’m working towards becoming the person who talks through these thoughts with others in dialogue to unpack them and learn from others. There’s a clear difference between who I am and who I want to become.

The Impact of Cultures and Traditions on Our Sense of Belonging

Lifestyle, Peace By Mar 26, 2024 No Comments

Culture and tradition have never been more crucial in this modern world that has become a global village. These traditions give us a sense of origin and ancestry, providing a skeleton for our identity in an increasingly multicultural global village. Yet, as I found in a recent enlightening conversation with David Ibanda, host of the Those Who Came Before Us podcast, these threads require continuous updating to remain relevant and robust in our dynamic world.

Embracing difference through reshaping our wisdom

Lifestyle By Mar 19, 2024 No Comments

In a recent Lived Quality Conversation, Dr. Faith Elizabeth Nanyonga shared an example of communication with her one-year-old daughter, who engages in meaningful interactions with her mother despite her inability to speak. This kind of communication shows the depth of language and how it extends beyond speech and text to encompass the broader context. There’s a non-verbal understanding that flows between beings, and when tapped into, the deeper intended meaning can be revealed. It’s as if through “holding a space” for her daughter, it allowed Faith to see and hear the meaning in her daughter’s communication, and that allowed her to see the wisdom of her daughter and learn the character of that person even before they had developed all the other abilities that would enable them to present themselves in a more clear way. Holding space for those we are communicating with allows us to perceive and appreciate the wisdom they convey in their unique modes of expression.